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Chaotic Gaming Community
Read before you join no excuses!!!
No Spamming in the chatbox OR forumn the following is spamming
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Don't Ask For Admin Or Mod Privileges (Post an Application instead and await for approval
Always Obey Administrators, Mangers, Moderators, Orders. (Unless it is abuses of there powers)
Be Considerate And Tolerant Of Others Beliefs, Customs And Things They Enjoy.

Thanks for reading,
CGC Operating Team
Chaotic Gaming Community
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» Igknight Duel Academy Rules
by Guest Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:05 pm

All rights of the banners, logos, and Graphics are works of Pain Painters Industry.

Igknight Duel Academy Rules

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Igknight Duel Academy Rules Empty Igknight Duel Academy Rules

Post by Pain Painter Mon Oct 19, 2015 3:12 pm

No Spamming in the chatbox OR forumn the following is spamming
* Posting Images or Gifs that not in a spoiler, Spoiler Code:

[spoiler]Image Link Here[/spoiler]

* Bumping a Topic BEFORE 24 hours have passed
* Continous One symbol topics or messages like (.......) or (0000000)
No Being Rude To Staff, If youd like respect youll need to give it here (IF a staff is being rude to you PLEASE CONTACT
No Linking To Inappropriate Sites.
No Inappropriate pictures will be tolerated at all this include
*Profile Pictures
No Alternate Accounts this lead to an immediate BAN
Insulting Coding and Site Graphics follow the offense system below
No Cheating In Duels With Other Members (It falls back on IDAs reputation not just your own)
Don't Ask For Admin Or Mod Privileges (Post an Application instead and await for approval
Always Obey Administrators, Mangers, Moderators, Orders. (Unless it is abuses of there powers)
Be Considerate And Tolerant Of Others Beliefs, Customs And Things They Enjoy.

Additional Rules:
No Screamers Allowed Anywhere on the forum

1. Do Not Spam: the following is considered as SPAM;

Posting Messages which have nothing to do with the topic.

Double Posting. Bumping your own topic after 24 hours have passed is an exception to this rule.

2. Show Respect ALL Members

3. Follow Staff instructions, unless deemed unreasonable then contact an admin.

4. We are not responsible for any offense committed outside the Academy or the ChatBox. (However may take action)

5. Advertising is Prohibited unless deemed ok by an admin

6. Creating more than 1 account is prohibited.

7. Do not overuse the ability to change your username so everyone can have the right.

8. Copyright: You may not;

Copying Articles from other websites and posting them

Creating a user account that imitates an Admin or staff's username

9. Chatbox Rules; You May Not:

Posting illegal or sexually explicit content

Harassing other members

Spamming in the chatbox

Any Violation of these rules will result in the following:

Chatbox Disciplinary Table(Anything that occurs on the Chatbox):
1st Offense: Written Warning
2nd Offense: Kick from the chatbox
3rd Offense: Ban from the chatbox

Off-Chatbox Disciplinary Table(Anything that Occurs outside the Chatbox):
1st Offense: Written Warning
2nd Offense: Topic Deletion
3rd Offense: Forum Ban(Account Ban/IP Ban, up to Admin Discretion)

Only Exceptions to the above rules:
#1: Admin Impersonation{AI}----->IP Ban
#2: Site Hacking{SH}----->IP Ban and Report to Forumotion
#3: Attempted Hook-ups(Trying to Hook-up with the opposite gender){AH}----->Account Ban

The Off-Chat Box and Chatbox Offenses are effective at all times and they do stack(Meaning you get 1 on Monday, then if you get another one Tuesday, and then you get one on Wednesday, then thats all 3 Strikes) Once a member is banned, in order to return the member to the site all staff members of admin status must vote; if the result is the majority then the person is unbanned and restarts anew, however if its less than majority then the person will stay banned.(Unban Voting will happen at the weekly admin meetings or on an admin skype call.)
Pain Painter
Pain Painter

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Age : 29
Location : Ohio

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Igknight Duel Academy Rules Empty Re: Igknight Duel Academy Rules

Post by (legacy)deathdealer Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:31 pm

so if i already hooked up with someone in the past will i be banned
Arbiter of Death
Arbiter of Death

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Igknight Duel Academy Rules Empty Re: Igknight Duel Academy Rules

Post by Pain Painter Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:25 pm

No but this was added due to your all conflict involving personal relationships
Pain Painter
Pain Painter

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Join date : 2015-09-10
Age : 29
Location : Ohio

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Igknight Duel Academy Rules Empty Re: Igknight Duel Academy Rules

Post by Guest Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:05 pm

Rules updated

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Igknight Duel Academy Rules Empty Re: Igknight Duel Academy Rules

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Sponsored content

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